
Portugal and Luxembourg celebrate protocol for Health Information Systems

On the 9th April a collaboration protocol between SPMS – Shared Services for Ministry of Health, Portugal, and the Agence eSanté, Luxembourg, was signed in order to reinforce the relations between the two countries, with regard to eHealth initiatives. Using PDS – Health Data Platform, through the International Portal, this protocol allows heath data sharing, between the two countries, via OpenNCP , open and interoperable tecnology.

Portuguese Health Ministry and Portuguese Ministry of Health, Shared Services President
Luxembourg Health Ministry and Agence eSanté President

The protocol aims aditionally to protect Portuguese citizens, resident in Luxembourg, promoting greater safety in patient care, based on technical, legal and organizational conditions for cross-border health data sharing. This ceremony had the presence of the Ministers of Health, of Portugal and Luxembourg.”



Foto Institucional Notícias
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