It takes place, between the 19th and the 22nd of June, the 2nd Lisbon eHealth Summer week, in the headquarters of SPMS Lisbon and Oporto and Centro Cultural de Belém. This initiative is organized by SPMS, EPE and comprises several meetings of international projects in which Portugal collaborates, with the participation of 200 international experts in the field of eHealth.
“2nd Lisbon eHealth Summer Week” counts with the participation of the eHealth Network (EHN), the voluntary network connecting national Member States’ authorities responsible for eHealth, established by Article 14 of Directive 2011/24 / EU for cooperation, sharing knowledge and best practices. Portugal, represented by SPMS, was appointed co-chair in the 13th EHN meeting.
One of the highlights of this week will be the ending session of the second Joint Action to Support the EHN – JAseHN under the coordination of Austria and the transition to the third Joint Action to Support the EHN – eHAction, coordinated by Portugal. Projects such as the EURO-CAS, HealtheID and eHMSEG will also be under discussion. Regarding the “eHAction – 3rd Joint Action” project, coordinated by SPMS, it is focused on the development of action lines of the Multiannual Workplan (MWP) for eHealth for 2018-2021.
In addition, at the request of the European Commission, the 11th meeting of the eHMSEG (eHealth Network Member State Expert Group) – working group established by the eHealth Network with representatives of the Member States responsible for the implementation of cross-border health services (Abstract Clinical and Prescription Electronics) under Horizon 2020 – will be held on 22 June in Lisbon.
Among the many personalities confirmed, we highlight the presence of Tapani PIHA – Head of Unit at European Commission; Guy Dargent – Project Officer in CHAFEA (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency) and Sevala Malkic – Policy Officer at European Commission | Directorate-General for Health and food safety (SANTE) | B3 eHealth and Cross border health care.
See here the portuguese version.