A Dissemination Event on the results of the EU Health Programme and other related EU initiatives with a focus on Digital Health, Chronic and Rare Diseases was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on October 22nd .
The Joint Action for the eHealth Network, eHAction, presented the work developed so far on Digital Health at the “Presentation on the selected initiatives funded by EU Health Programme” session.
Afterwards, eHAction representatives joined the panel of EU experts in a round table discussion on Digital Health as a tool for Empowering Patients and Enhancement of Disease Management.
Financially supported by the European Commission through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA), this Dissemination Event brought together several representatives from European Joint Actions and other EU Health related initiatives. At the event, work developments, shared knowledge and a reflection on Digital Health, Chronic and Rare Diseases, were presented.