
SPMS launches the HealthData@PT action to advance the European Health Data Space

SPMS coordinates the HealthData@PT action, which will be an important milestone for the implementation of the European Health Data Space in Portugal.

The HealthData@PT − Setting up a Health Data Access Body in Portugal − action aims to establish the national infrastructure, network and the foundational elements necessary to ensure secure access and use of health data for the purposes of research, medical innovation and health policymaking. Additionally, HealthData@PT seeks to provide tools to improve the overall quality of health data for research and medical innovation purposes.

Through its concerted efforts, HealthData@PT aims to prepare the national ecosystem for the secondary use of health data, with the main goal of improving therapeutic outcomes and strengthening the healthcare system. The establishment of these national foundations is crucial for ensuring the successful future integration of Portugal into cross-border infrastructures, such as HealthData@EU.

By conducting this action, SPMS assumes a leadership position in the secondary use of health data. This action will also reinforce the role of SPMS in the technical implementation of the Health Data Access Body in Portugal, crucial for the future national integration into the HealthData@EU infrastructure, opening a horizon of strategic opportunities for SPMS – in particular, in the provision of new services.

This four-year initiative was approved by the European Commission in the scope of the EU4Health programme 2021–2027, and started officially this November.

The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332.The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority can be held responsible for these opinions. 

noticia_ação HealthData_PT_Espaço Europeu de Dados de Saúde
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