📢 Public consultation is now open for the first set of guidelines towards the harmonization of secondary use of health data in the European Union: Let us know what you think!
The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a key step towards enhancing the secondary use of health data to strengthen research, innovation and public health policymaking across Europe.
The joint action TEHDAS2– Second Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space, is producing concrete guidelines and technical specifications that will guide the future implementing acts of the EHDS regarding the secondary use of health data.
Each project outcome is released for a 30-day public consultation to ensure that the elaborated guidelines meet the needs of citizens, health professionals, researchers and regulators.
✍️ The first version of 4 guidelines is now publicly available for comments:
1 Guideline for data holders on data description
2 Technical specification for Health Data Access Bodies (HDABs) on the national metadata catalogue
3️ Guideline for data users on good application and access practice
4️ Guideline for data users on how to use data in a secure processing environment (SPE)
➡️ Both these guidelines and the survey for submitting feedback are available here: Public consultations – Tehdas
🔗 Collecting feedback is extremely important towards the implementation of an EHDS that meets the needs of the different stakeholders. Contributions will be collected until February 28th.
Have your say on these important topics!
Disclaimer: The TEHDAS2 joint action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority can be held responsible for these opinions.