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9 Abril, 2024

Contact Us & Follows Us The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority can be held […]


9 Abril, 2024

Acronyms BDNP  National Prescription Database CNPD  National Data Protection Commission DAAMs Data Access Applications Management solution DEM  Electronic Dispensing of Medicines EHDS European Health Data Space EHDS2 European Health Data Space 2 EHS Electronic Health Summary EHR Electronic Health Record eHDSI  eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure  eHN  eHealth Network   eD  eDispensation eP  ePrescription HDAB Health Data […]


9 Abril, 2024

Results The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority can be held responsible for these opinions.


9 Abril, 2024

Work Packages Work Package 1 Management and coordination Establishment of a national governance and management framework to guarantee the execution of the proposed plan. This work package encompasses the production of a Sustainable National Governance Model for HealthData@PT, along with monitoring, reporting and other related coordination activities. Moreover, the participation in the activities of the […]


9 Abril, 2024

News & Events The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority can be held responsible for […]


9 Abril, 2024

Documents Secondary Use of Health Data – Flyer The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding authority […]

HealthData@PT ENG

9 Abril, 2024

A fundamental step towards the European Health Data Space, promoting the secondary use of health data to benefit citizen´s health care, scientific and medical advances, and the public health. The HealthData@PT action is co-funded by the European Union, EU4Health Program 2021-2027 under Grant Agreement Nr 101128332. The views and opinions expressed are those of the […]

Linha SNS 24: Estudo sobre o impacto no acesso à prestação de cuidados de saúde

9 Abril, 2024

Durante a pandemia da COVID-19, a Linha SNS 24 deu resposta a um aumento significativo de chamadas e procura pelos serviços de triagem clínica e encaminhamento dos utentes para unidades de saúde adequadas. Neste contexto, a Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (ERS) realizou uma análise à eficiência dos encaminhamentos realizados e à articulação da Linha com […]

PEM celebra 11 anos e 235 milhões de receitas sem papel

8 Abril, 2024

A aplicação de Prescrição Eletrónica Médica (PEM) foi disponibilizada, pela SPMS, ao sistema nacional de saúde em 2013. Desde então, permitiu emitir perto de 388 milhões de receitas eletrónicas, das quais mais de 235 milhões totalmente desmaterializadas. Quase 200 prescrições por minuto é a média diária de receitas emitidas, entre as 9 e as 20 […]

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